Our Mission is to Deliver Hope & Create Positive, Memorable Moments for People Working in the U.S. Service Industry.
Our Vehicle is a Surprise $1,000 Tip.
We Believe in the Power and Positive Ripple Effect of Random Acts of Kindness!
Big Fat Tips
Videos of people we surprised with $1,000 while they were hard at work:
The First Five Tips
Big, Fat Lakeland Florida Tips
Other Big Fat Tips
Short Stories about Big Tips
Their backstories inspire us to keep the momentum going.
Big Fat Fundraising Tee-Shirts
There are many ways you can help us raise funds and awareness for our cause. One way is to buy one of our tee- shirts. All of the proceeds from the BFT tee-shirts go directly to the tips. These shirts are guaranteed to generate some giggles and conversations with...
Why The Big Fat Tip Was Created:
I used to wait tables at an Applebees in Tallahassee, Florida, in the mid-1990s. Although the customers usually tipped me 20% or more on their tabs, those tips were just enough to cover groceries, gas, and pay my third of the rent. I was young, single, and...
Money Given to Total Strangers