We plan to respond to most emails in 24 hours. That’s the plan, Stan. If we haven’t responded to you in that time, it is because we could be trapped under something heavy or stuck in a vat of peanut butter. We will respond as soon as the peanut butter is out of our hair, which is supposedly suitable for removing chewing gum, too. (That’s a life hack “tip” for you if you find yourself in that sticky situation.)
It is also possible that your email went to SPAM. We check the SPAM box only when we are bored or thinking about ham in a can, neither of which is happening much these days. We are attempting to manage our time and sodium intake.
Please Note: if you contact us for money for you or someone else, we will not respond. Requesting money for a specific person or establishment could automatically disqualify them from receiving a Big Fat Tip at any time in the future. Remember, these are supposed to be Random Acts of Kindness! This is all about strangers helping strangers for no reason other than to push positivity into the world. We operate under the assumption that everyone needs a little bit of money and a whole lot of hope. (We have been 100% right so far!)
We also don’t respond to messages about how you think we should distribute these tips or if you think it wasn’t fair that a coworker received one and you did not. Be happy for the recipients and push positive energy out into the world instead of envy! We encourage you to start an organization to brighten the lives of others.
Regarding tip-splitting or sharing: If a business traditionally splits tips with employees, it would stand to reason that they would split a Big Fat Tip similarly. If they do not split small tips, then it would also stand to reason that the recipient gets all of a Big Fat Tip. (We like it when it goes to one or two people because it has a greater impact directly on their lives and financial needs, but we do not insert ourselves into the businesses’ standard tipping policy decisions.)
Please see the RULES posted in the ABOUT section. Thank you!
Address: 502 E Main St. Lakeland, FL 33801